Pick from one of Dr. Ghaz’s Top Keynotes

  • The New Era of Women's Empowerment: From "Power Over" to "Power To"

    It was Audre Lorde who said “you can’t dismantle the Master’s house with the Master’s tools”. So why do we think the way to empowering women is to replicate the same old power models of the past? In this riveting talk, Dr. Ghaz draws from her experience in the women’s rights field to shine light on a new path to power for femme-identifying folks. One that moves away from mimicking the toxic aspects of masculinity and rests on the strength of sisterhood, community and the common good of all.

  • Belonging is your Birthright: A Fresh Way of Approaching Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Since George Floyd’s murder, we’ve made incredible strides in bringing issues of diversity and equity to the forefront of the collective consciousness. But what if we turned the premise of fighting for equity on its head and began with the assumption that we already belong in any space we enter? Using examples from her own life as a queer, neurodivergent refugee from Iran, Dr. Ghaz teaches audiences how to root in their power and reclaim their birthright of belonging with joy, ease and lightness.

  • The Only Way to Save the World is to Get Self-Centered

    In this radical talk, Dr. Ghaz combines her experience as a behavior scientist and a trauma-informed coach to show diverse audiences how the ultimate path to unlocking personal power starts close in, right at the center of who you are. And how accessing this power through daily practice can shift the course of the world as a whole.

  • Everything You Need to Know about Empowerment I Learned in One Surf Class

    Want to talk unlock the secrets of empowerment once and for all? In this fun and revelatory talk, Dr. Ghaz walks you through the 7 keys to empowerment that were revealed to her in her first attempt at surfing. From allyship to personal courage, this talk gives you step by step instructions on how to empower yourself or anyone else in a comprehensive and sustainable way.

  • The Future Landscape of Leadership: Moving from Hierarchy to Convergence

    Taking lessons from her years of work in the humanitarian field, Dr. Ghaz discusses the limitations of top-down models of leadership and illuminates a new landscape for leaders that rests on common ground, cooperation and collective wisdom. By moving away from a world in which only one can sit at the top, Dr. Ghaz shows audiences the power of collective leadership to rock the very foundations of our systems. Get ready for a paradigm shift that could change the way you lead for good.

  • Let's build a talk together!

    Love what you see but want a more bespoke speech? Work with Dr. Ghaz to create a nuanced and unique talk that will hit all the notes your audiences are dying to hear. She will walk you through a fast and easy process of identifying your core message and working together to make magic happen. Hit the “book now” button below to get the party started!