my  story

There are so many ways I could tell you about who I am, but the most important thing I want you to know is that I live for this work.


All my life (as an immigrant only leo daughter of two loving and crazy artists) I’ve felt like an outsider looking in.

I tried being the “smart one” the “funny one” the “profound one” the “reliable one” and everything in between, but nothing ever felt quite right. So what was I left with? My own damn self: quirky smarty-pants with a huge heart, a fast temper and a “belonging” complex.

I was born in Iran and immigrated to the US as a war refugee in the early 80s. Coming from a country where women’s rights are massively curtailed, I’ve always felt a sense of urgency in helping women reclaim their power.

I channeled that into a rewarding career as a health researcher, traveling the globe advocating for reproductive rights. I’ve worked with hundreds of women and girls in over 25 countries & spoken before government leaders, tribal elders, executives and (extra)ordinary people everywhere.

Over the years, as I grew in my career, I came to see my “flaws” (my fears, my traumas, my anger) as incredible assets for relating to people all over the world. I could connect with others because I always managed to find a piece of myself in them. It was this connection that drove everything for me, and why I decided to make it the center of my work.

As a speaker and coach, nothing fills me with more life than being able to say to another woman: “I know just how you feel.”

It’s why I left my old job as a research scientist and why I speak on stages all over the world. I love sharing the lessons I’ve gathered from my own experiences - stories of moving from pain to power, from trauma to joy - and through doing so enabling other women to feel seen, to feel loved, and to know that I’m here for it all.

I believe in the potential of each woman to change her own life and, together with the rest of us, to make massive ripples of joy and love everywhere we go. When you’re with me, you’ll know that anything is possible and learn exactly how to take the first steps in making those possibilities a reality. You’ll leave the room feeling inspired and fired up, ready to take on your biggest dreams and knowing that every other woman in that room (most of all me) has got your back.

Ready to inspire your audiences? Book a free consultation to learn more about my services.

Can’t wait to make magic together!

Keynote Speaker

Emcee & Host

Coach & Facilitator